Christian Headlines - A pattern emerges whenever a culture tries to fix itself, with only the resources of its own unmoored virtues. A problem is identified but misdiagnosed. Then, a solution is offered that accomplishes the exact opposite of the goal. Examples of this include trampling on the rights of women in the name of inclusion, firing ethnic minorities for racism, and the new brand of anti-Semitism prevalent on college campuses that are supposed to be (even because they are) “woke.”
These many examples reveal why worldview matters. Every worldview answers the questions “What’s wrong with the world?” and “How can it be fixed?” Some worldviews get the answers to these questions very, very wrong.
Hatred of the Jews, for example, is perhaps the oldest hatred in the world. Typically, anti-Semitism is perceived as coming from far-right, white supremacists or radical Muslim extremists. However, according to a new student group called the New Zionist Congress, anti-Semitism is increasingly found on college campuses, notably among the far-left.
Apparently, the progressive orthodoxies built around Critical Theory offers little space for Jewish people. In the name of “standing up for the oppressed,” maybe the most oppressed group in world history is being excluded?
Blake Flayton, a self-proclaimed progressive, gay, Jewish college student first explained the problem in a 2019 op-ed in The New York Times. “At many American universities,” he wrote, “it is now normal for student organizations to freely call Israel an imperialist power and an outpost of white colonialism with little pushback or discussion — never mind that more than half of Israel’s population consists of Israeli Jews from the....READ MORE

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