The Spirit and The Bride say “Come!”
In this day and hour, I believe our main focus should be on “The One Thing!” Jesus is coming back for His Bride – those who have made themselves ready for His return. It is time to WAKE UP!!! Our Bridegroom King Jesus is calling us to lay aside all worldly influences and distractions: to answer His call and to seek Him with all our hearts.

“ My Beloved is Mine and I am His”
Song of Solomon 2:16
The Bride’s desire for her Bridegroom King Jesus is to seek after Him with all her heart and to follow Him into the Secret Place.
Art my Toni Waters

Come and Follow Me
Come and follow Me; the road is winding but you will see.
Many are the paths that lead astray; but I have come to show the way.
Take my hand and do not fear; for I am the light, I’ll draw you near.
-Art and Poem by Toni Waters
"Destiny: Rise and Shine" by Toni Waters
Freedom Series - Spiritual Warfare
by Toni Waters
Beauty for Ashes
by Toni Waters
The Eyes of Our Heart
by Toni Waters
My Beloved is Mine and I am His
Song of Solomon 2:16
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
By- Toni Waters
The Spirit and The Bride
Revelation 22:17
Meet & Greet
Video interview with Toni Waters