Christian Headlines - Churches around the country have been vandalized or possibly targeted for arson in the last couple of weeks. One church in Shreveport, Louisiana was vandalized with a pentagram and the Mark of the Beast on the doors.
Churches around the country have been vandalized or possibly targeted for arson in the last couple of weeks. One church in Shreveport, Louisiana was vandalized with a pentagram and the Mark of the Beast on the doors.
The person or people responsible are still unknown.
The pastor and his wife, however, are wondering why it was their church specifically since their church is one of many doing a lot of outreach in the community. The pastor told ChurchLeaders, "My wife was telling me ‘what’s that on the door?’ and I was like ahh I was focusing on driving and then when I pulled up I said wow! I really don’t understand why this church because there are a lot of other churches doing a lot of great work as well.” Police are still searching for a suspect at this time."
A second church, this time in Kentucky, was also a victim of vandalization. However, this church was also robbed. According to the reverend of the church, the entire place was ransacked, even to the point of there being spray paint on the security cameras. The reverend told WIBW that "Almost every door and drawer and cabinet in this church had been ransacked."
In this attack, the vandal also left a note which read: "I am not Godless, I have spoken to the Father, and I will stop and repent. Don’t let hate....READ MORE

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