PNW - I just lost another friend to COVID, this time, a 69-year-old father and grandfather, an elder in my home congregation, as faithful a Christian man as you will find.
He joins the list of other friends and colleagues in the States who have died in the last year from COVID-related complications, along with an even longer list of loved ones and colleagues of some of my very close friends in India.
At the same time, the extreme politicizing of COVID makes it difficult (if not almost impossible) to know who to trust when it comes to preventing the spread of the disease. This is a terrible shame.
Personally, as much as I dislike wearing a mask, especially on long flights, I would wear one the rest of my life in public if I knew by doing so I was saving other people's lives. With joy.
When it comes to being vaccinated, if I was sure the vaccine had no long-term side-effects or dangers, I would get vaccinated every month if I knew I was helping to protect my family, my co-workers, and even strangers whom I met. (And yes, I'd gladly to do it every month if I knew it would protect me as well.)
The problem is that I'm not sure about any of this, and not simply because of the many conflicting reports.
It's that things have become so politicized to the point that, depending on what news network you watch, you'll have differing views about: 1) the origins of the virus; 2) the threat of the virus; 3) the merits (or demerits) of lockdowns; 4) the safety (or danger) and efficacy (or worthlessness) of the vaccines; 5) the proper role of the government; 6) the best course moving forward, especially for our children.
That's why I say that this is a terrible shame. At times like this, we must do better. But will we? I'm not holding my breath (no insensitive pun intended).
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