PNW - It was about 20 years ago that a conservative commentator stated that, because the homosexual movement could not grow by reproduction, it had to grow by seduction.
Understandably, this incurred the ire of gay activists, as if their main agenda was the sexual seduction of others, including children. What this conservative commentator should have said was: "The homosexual movement cannot grow by biological replication, so instead, it puts its emphasis on ideological indoctrination." That would remain true to this day.
To be sure, this is not a subject I would prefer to address right now, nor is it a subject that I ever cared to address.
What Do We Do When ... ?
But what are we to do when the so-called Equality Act is staring us in the face, with the potential of gutting religious freedoms in favor of radical LGBTQ+ goals?
Or when, as Joy Pullmann puts it, "A clip of a....READ MORE

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