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Millennials More Likely to Believe in Horoscopes Than an 'All-Knowing' God, Survey Shows

Christian Headlines - The United States is undergoing a “seismic worldview shift” driven by younger Americans, according to a new study by Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, which found that Millennials are more likely to believe in horoscopes than in an “all-knowing” God.

The report, released this month, is part of the center’s 2021 American Worldview Inventory, an annual report that examines the spiritual beliefs of Americans.

The report says Millennials (those born between 1984-2002) are leading much of the change. At the time of the survey, the age range of Millennials was 18 to 36.

The survey found that 35 percent of Millennials and 32 percent of Gen-Xers say they “personally receive guidance from” horoscopes,” compared to 10 percent of Boomers and 3 percent of Builders.

By comparison, only 31 percent .....READ MORE is brought to you by a group of Christian writers and editors who are dedicated to creating a well-rounded look at what’s happening across the globe from a Christian worldview. Our vision is to inform and inspire productive discussion about the current events and online trends that shape our lives, our churches and our world. includes blog posts about current events and Christian media, breaking news, feature articles, and guest commentaries, many written by respected Christian thinkers.



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