PNW - Sleuthing the Life of a Random Person is Amazingly Simplistic
So, here's a social experiment I tried this morning. I decided to see just how much personal information I could find out on a random person. As the car in front of me had some interesting bumper stickers, I picked it.
I did not see the driver whatsoever and only recouped the license plate. That was all the info I had to go on other than what was visual about the car and inside within eyesight.
Here's what I found.
Through the National Registry, I found out the owner of the car, the make, model, year purchased, how paid. I found out his personal identification number, his mother's maiden name, his married status (divorced), ex-wife's name, and nationality.
I already know that, since his license plate number ends in 3, that he's not allowed driving within city limits on Tuesdays due to the weekly vehicle-usage restrictions so I'll know when his car's at home unattended and when he'll be travelling by other means.
From there I searched him out on social media.
I found pics of him, his girlfriend, and his....READ MORE

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