Michael Snyder (Opinion)- Just when it seemed like the U.S. and Europe were starting to get the COVID pandemic under control, extremely dangerous new variants that have emerged in Brazil threaten to plunge us into an even more deadly nightmare. As you read this article, hospitals all over Brazil are packed to capacity and thousands of people are dropping dead each day. But the COVID that is currently ravaging Brazil is not the same COVID that the rest of the globe has become accustomed to dealing with. Authorities tell us that a total of 92 COVID variants have now been identified in the country, and these variants have sent the death toll absolutely soaring…
Reports say 92 variants have now been detected in the country, including the P.1, or Brazil variant, which has become a big cause for concern as it is thought to be much more contagious. On Tuesday, the Health Ministry reported another 4,195 COVID-19 deaths in the previous 24 hours, well above the country’s prior single-day record.
If these variants start spreading widely throughout the rest of the world, it is going to make what we have been through so far look like a Sunday picnic.
One Brazilian expert that was deeply involved in this fight is calling this “a biological Fukushima”, and he says that the death toll is “the largest human tragedy in Brazilian history”…
Miguel Nicolelis, who was until February leading the Covid response team for the northeast region of 60 million people, said Jair Bolsonaro is presiding over ‘the largest human tragedy in Brazilian history.’ ‘It’s a nuclear reactor that has set off a chain reaction and is out of control. It’s a biological Fukushima,’ Nicolelis.....READ MORE

MichaelSnyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of 5 books including his latest, Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” which is available on Amazon.com. He has four others that are available on Amazon.com including The Beginning Of The End, Get Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters. Michael allows others to republish his work on other websites because he feels people need hope more than ever before, and its his goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.