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Biden Files Appeal That Would Force Religious Doctors, to Perform Transgender Surgeries

Photo Credit The Guardian

Christian Headlines - On Tuesday, President Joe Biden filed an appeal that would force religious doctors and hospitals to perform transgender-related procedures and surgeries regardless of objections, The Daily Wire reports.

In a series of Twitter posts on Tuesday, Luke Goodrich, who works at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty law group, asserted that Biden's appeal follows up on the administration's efforts to deem a doctor's refusal to perform transgender-related procedures "sex discrimination." In January, The Biden administration put forward the proposal, but it was rejected in court.

"The plaintiffs are religious doctors, hospitals, and clinics who joyfully serve ALL patients regardless of sex or gender identity. They routinely provide top-notch care to transgender patients for everything from cancer to the common cold," Goodrich wrote. "They also provide millions of dollars in free and low-cost care to the elderly, poor, and underserved – care that is jeopardized by the government's attempt to punish them with multi-million dollar penalties," he asserted.

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