The Christian Post - A Baptist group in the U.K. is warning against occult spirituality following the rise in people trying to communicate with the dead, particularly those grieving the loss of loved ones who died from COVID-19.
The Baptist Deliverance Study Group of the Baptist Union in Great Britain, which oversees the deliverance ministry for the organization, has raised concerns about the increasing number of people seeking to contact their dead relatives through the use of mediums.
The Rev. Jayne Irlam, the group's project lead for Education, Research and Training, said it's "completely understandable that those desperate to say goodbye to their loved ones would be attracted by a spiritual philosophy which offers communication with the dead."
But she cautioned: "Communication with the dead in this way is specifically forbidden in the Bible by a loving God who wishes to keep people safe from bondage to preternatural or demonic powers. ... Becoming involved in activities such as Spiritualism can open up a doorway to great spiritual oppression which requires a Christian rite to set that person free."
Irlam said the Baptist group has been approached by people seeking to be "set free" from spiritualism after enduring "horrific consequences."
During an interview with Premier Christian News, .....READ MORE

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